Thursday, March 4, 2010

Hold on to Jesus

It seems as though so many things around us lately are all crumbling and basically are just going wrong! From friends with cancer and friends losing children to earthquakes and warring growing all the more rampant - our world is absolutely broken! Lately I have found myself on my knees more than I ever have been before - pleading for God's grace, peace and mercy to cover us! God never forsakes us and is most definitely our ever-present help in time of need. Recently, a dear friend of ours lost a baby one week after she was born. When I received the news that day, I broke down weeping in front of our children. Of course they wondered why in the world I was crying so hard. I proceeded to explain what had happened to sweet little baby Charlotte. Kaylen got teary, but then grabbed my arm and with a smile on her face said, "Mommy why are you crying - baby Charlotte is with Jesus! What better place to be!" No doubt that she is right - Charlotte is just one step ahead of us - where we who belong to Him will eventually be also! I proceeded to then tell her that my tears were for her mommy and daddy and sisters who will miss her terribly. I simply feel sad for them. Kaylen and I then stopped and spent several minutes praying for our dear friends. Why would I share this news with my very young children, who many think should be sheltered from scary and sad things such as this? I want our children to KNOW Jesus!!! I want them to talk with Him; to learn to pray!!! I want them to know that when it all goes wrong, that their Savior will not forsake or leave them, but that He is there with them every step of the way and that He loves them deeply. I want our children to pray; to "pray without ceasing." If they think that this world is one without conflict or sadness, then what need is there to pray - other than to thank God for the many blessings in our lives - which is important. I want our children to know that it is God that has given them all of the amazing blessings in their lives.

Over the course of the past year, Kaylen has started asking questions and learning about the fact that Satan is in the picture. We've talked much about how God is so much more powerful than Satan and that God's truth (scripture) that we learn and think and say is a good way to "battle against" or "shoo" Satan away. We have been working on committing those "victory verses" to memory so when Satan shows up, we can immediately send him packin'! For so long I have let the evil one get the best of me, not quite knowing how to battle him. It is only in the past few years that I have truly learned this and put it into practice. I want my children to be well equipped to battle the evil one.

I am truly amazed at Kaylen's spiritual maturity for someone of her age. She continues to minister to me daily and I am so thankful for the heart that she has for Jesus! Joshua has even come over to me when I have been sick or have had a headache, laid his hands on me and has prayed for me. Absolutely heart-warming, amazing moments that I treasure!!! I am in awe of what God is doing in my children's lives and I am excited to see how God is going to use them to be His champions in this broken world!

In closing, I want to post the lyrics to one of my very favorite songs. It is called, "Hold on to Jesus" by Erin O'Donnell. Beautiful song!

You're a little piece of heaven
You're a golden ray of light
And I wish I could protect you
From the worries of this life
But if there's one thing I could tell you
It's no matter what you do
Hold to Jesus
He's holding on to you

The world will try to tell you
That might is more than right
That beauty's on the outside
And being good's a losing fight
But remember what I've told you
Because the world will make you choose
Hold to Jesus
He's holding on to you

Hold on to Jesus
Cling to His love
Rest deep in His mercy
Whenever things get rough
Don't lose sight of His goodness
And don't ever doubt this truth
That when you hold on to Jesus
He's holding on to you

Hear me dear Jesus
Rock this little one to sleep
Keep her close when she's scared
And give her grace when she is weak
I know she'll stumble
But I know she'll make it through
If you hold to her just like
You said You'd do
Hold her Jesus
And she'll hold on tight to You